Risk standard

Risk Documentary, 1x52 Director : Richard Dennison Producer : James Heyward DP : Uli Krafzik Production Company : Making Movies Partners : TV3 Credits : IMDB Why B.A.S.E jumpers have chosen to make danger an integral part of their lifestyles. We become involved in their lives, their relationships and their passions; We see the preparation, commitment and belief systems which enable them to continue RISKing their lives even as friends and comrades ...

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Colder than Ice standard

Colder than Ice Documentary, 1x52 Director : James Heyward Producer : Andy Salek DP : Andy Salek Production Company : Making Movies Credits : IMDB Three adventures paddle more than eight hundred miles through  the pristine wilderness of the Antarctic Peninsula and are challenged by bitter cold, hurricane force winds, dense fog, icebergs, large areas of glaciated coastline and territorial ...

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Miracle at Sea standard

Miracle at Sea Documentary, 1x52 Director : Richard Dennison Producer : James Heyward / Richard Dennison DP : Uli Krafzik Production Company : Making Movies Credits : IMDB The Southern Ocean has been described as the harshest place on earth. It is the Everest of oceans, and for centuries, it has been the mariner's ultimate challenge. This is the story of one sailor who defied it. Tony Bullimore spent six days under his capsized boat in this cruellest of seas and ...

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Off the Rails standard

Off the Rails Documentary, 1x52 Director : Richard Dennison Producer : Richard Dennison Production Company : Orana Films & Making Movies Credits : IMDB Two young Australians cycle from Bejing to Moscow on a ride of discovery and personal ...

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Tears of Experience standard

Tears of Experience Documentary, 1x52 Director : James Heyward Producer : Andy Salek DP : Andy Salek Production Company : Making Movies Credits : IMDB In the Southern Traverse adventure race attitude is everything but winners and losers are not necessarily the people who cross the finish line first and ...

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Pain and Suffering standard

Pain and Suffering Documentary, 1x52 Director : James Heyward Producer : Andy Salek DP : Andy Salek Production Company : Making Movies Credits : IMDB A group of athletes compete in the Southern Traverse; a five day, non-stop multisport endurance race. For one athlete; it was more testing than for the others as he experienced pain, pleasure, endurance, depression and ultimately, ...

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The Fatal Game standard

The Fatal Game Documentary, 1x52 Director : Richard Dennison Producer : James Heyward/Andy Salek Australian Mike Rheinberger had tried six times to reach the summit of Everest and failed. The seventh time he would not give up. With New Zealand guide, Mark Whetu, to record the great moment of his life, he finally reached the top of the world. Perhaps he should have been more concerned that it was so late in the day and their hopes of descending to camp 6 were disappearing in the sunset, but Mike was possessed by a dream that would soon become a ...

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